Cassandra Keogh (NSW Young Lawyer representative and Regional Delegate for the Far North Coast Law Society) and Melanie Loomes (Regional Delegate for the Far North Coast) of Somerville Laundry Lomax Solicitors attended the NSW Young Lawyers Mid Year Assembly in Bathurst on 29 and 30 June 2019.
Cassandra and Melanie attended a number of sessions during the Assembly which included a Regional Delegates Meeting, keynote address from Jane Needham SC, breakout sessions on Committee engagement, team building, discussions surrounding issues facing young lawyers in the profession and a Gala Ball at the Mount Panorama Pit Complex.
Cassandra and Melanie look forward to re-establishing a NSW Young Lawyers Network across the Far North Coast and are planning an informal get together in the coming months.
NSW Young Lawyers is a branch of the Law Society of New South Wales dedicated to supporting practitioners in the early stages of their career development, helping expand their knowledge, advance their career and allowing them to contribute positively to the profession and community.
If you are a young lawyer on the Far North Coast or know of someone who may be interested – please contact either the Far North Coast Law Society or Cassandra and Melanie at Somerville Laundry Lomax.