Once upon a time you were happily living together with your de facto partner. Roses were bought, dinners were cooked, finances were shared and Wills were signed leaving all your assets to the other...Read More
Are you a baby boomer in need of a will and born before 1965? For the month of October, Somerville Laundry Lomax Solicitors will prepare and draft for you a FREE Standard* WIll for every donation of...Read More
You’ve walked the streets, negotiated with agents and vendors, signed contracts and loan documents and finally await the settlement date with great anticipation. With just a week to go before the...Read More
Families and money can sometimes be a volatile combination. That is never more so than when divorces and Wills are concerned. When is an inheritance an asset for family law purposes? The simple...Read More
The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) is a national, electronic register of security interests in personal property that was established on 30 January 2012. What does the PPSR cover? The...Read More
Hello All, Thanks again to all those who threw in for the Pilliga Pilgrimage, it was a huge success for such a small idea. The hay was delivered and very much needed. For those who looked at our...Read More
Most people know that a valid Will determines how their assets are dealt with after they are gone. Wills generally provide for the appointment of a trusted executor/s and the leaving of gifts to...Read More
The rise in the use of technology means the way we can communicate with each other in our personal and working lives has expanded, almost beyond belief. The ways in which termination of employment...Read More
Commercial leases form part of many business transactions. When leasing commercial property, it is important for both landlords and tenants to understand the relationship they are entering and the...Read More
In November, 2016 the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (NSW) (the ‘Act’) and Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 (NSW) introduced reforms affecting owners, managers, developers and builders of...Read More